Made me dream about driving a classic american muscle car thru the streets of Las Vegas...kickass song, keep the good stuff coming!
Made me dream about driving a classic american muscle car thru the streets of Las Vegas...kickass song, keep the good stuff coming!
The scenario is perfect, I could picture everything above in my mind, the wizard, the armies, all of it. Excellent soundtrack, and the story fits it perfectly! 10/10 5/5
If the song were made according to how I wanted you'd also see the wizard totally own :D! Sadly there was just no time, and no place for the song to be continued. Maybe in time.
Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!
lol, you should have shouted "SUSHI!!!!!" at the end in a crazy voice xD
LMFAO!! i'll have to remember that
OMG LOLZORS WOOT!!! humming monks ftw!!! awesome! you get 10x1.5 and 5x1.5, even though the maximum multiplier is x1!
lol, thanks!
Here's your scenario for this one buddy :)
{scenario} Camera moves in and forward, to reveal a snowy plain. The snow and mist clears to reveal the majestic citadel Arcanum, built into the side of a mountain so tall, its peak dissapears in the white clouds of the sky. Arcanum is of astounding beauty, carved out of pure white marble, clear crystal and pure gold. A waterfall comes down from the top of the mountains, through the clouds, and flows through the magnificent gardens of the citadel, the clear, cold water coming to rest near a gigantic tree which is the "spine" of the mighty Arcanum. Arcanum glows orange in the light of the two suns, one yellow and one red, the marble shining, and the crystal looking like flames. Arcanum has been the cradle of life for ten thousand years, since it was created by the Gods. It's the last day of the First Eon. But not all is good in this paradise of peace and prosperity, as in the distance black clouds are moving in. THe undead commander Vrael has escaped his prison where he was held for an eon after being defeated by the Gods in the first day of the First Eon. For ten thousand years his hatred has grown inside of him, and seeking revenge upon the Gods for his imprisonment. He broke out, and killed Archael, the god of fire whose duty was to prevent Vrael's escape. His wrath was so powerful, and his hate so unstoppable, that he slain the god with one blow of his sword. Now he seeks to destroy Arcanum, as it is the last barrier that stops him from invading the mortal world and taking over. He is heading over, with his vast legion of undead, with only one thought: to wipe Arcanum off the face of the earth. Raelus, the king of Arcanum, has heard of Vrael, and he know he must fight to the last man to destroy his legion or at least to thin it out. He whispers "How I wish this day wouldn't come, and this was all a dream...". But he can't escape the cold reality that Vrael is real. He orders the men to prepare. Outside of Arcanum, Raelus' army is ready for battle. The horsemen stand ready, the infantry poised to attack, the archers stand on the citadel walls, bows at the ready. In front of the army stands Raelus, his majestic armor shining in the setting suns. Raelus rides on a snow white horse clad in gold and crystal armor. As the black clouds close in, the rumble of the coming legion can be felt. The suns dissapear under the clouds, and the battle ensues. Leading the legion is Vrael, riding on a skeletal chimaera, his demonic body clad in an armor that looks unnatural, his bloodshot eyes looking murderously at Arcanum. Raelus' archers swiftly pull 3 arrows each, setting them in the bows, and fire. A sea of arrows streaks then lands in the legion, butchering the undead minions. Demonic shrieks can be heard as the arrows sink deep into the rotten flesh and bone of the enemy. The two armies charge, clashing together with a sound so powerful it blasts away the clouds above. Man against demon, blood against venom, light against dark. The demons cry in pain as the sunlight burns their bodies. The fight goes on for hours, Raelus' army slaying the now weak remains of the legion. But then, silence. A massive blast radiates out from the battlefield, Vrael casting a spell so powerful it kills half of Raelus' army in the blink of an eye. The remaining warriors back off in fright. Vrael looks at Raelus, then with a roar, charges towards him, impaling his horse. The horses' warm red blood stains the snow, and it falls on its side. Raelus jumps off, gives Vrael a look, suddenly charging wildly surprises him, slashing his chest. Vrael backs up surprised, roars and strikes again. The battle between the two seems endless The two come face to face in a clash, and Vrael stabs Raelus with a poisoned dagger. Raelus staggers, feeling the venom in his blood. With his last powers he lunges his sword thru Vrael's heart. With a shriek, Vrael collapses and vaporises. Rael falls down on his horse and gives his last breath. Then a heavenly light comes from the skies, turning their bodies into pure diamond. Camera turns towards Arcanum, then fades away.
Sweetness....I can DEFINITELY visualize that scenario to this song. Thanks a MILLION for this.
A movie about a shaolin master training in the yard of a large temple, some peach trees in the background (just like in Kung-Fu Panda lol)so you have peach flower petals dancing in the wind and some monks humming and shaolins beating into large drums. The song is calming and majestic, but without the humming it's not...complete.
hehe should listen to the newest version of the song =). It actually does have some humming and then some heh.
It's melancolic, and a bit sad. Makes me imagine an old man in his chair by the fireplace, thinking about his loved ones who perished all, and how now he is alone and helpless.
That's a depressing image. :( I suppose it fits the mood of the song, though.
Thanks for the review! :D
I enjoyed, it's fit for the title, I was watching the visualisation Puddle and it looks like a SONAR radarwhen music plays, so it really made me imagine a submarine navigating deep in the ocean. Cood job, and keep'em, coming
It's always good to hear that your song does what you tried to make it do. :)
Thanks for the review! I will definitely keep making more. :D
War themed, i like it
Makes me imagine a commander radioing in "Get your troops there faster, general! We need to capture that building, it mustn't get in their hands!!!" Then camera teleports to a desert battlefield, tanks driving fullspeed blasting shells everywhere, Infantry APC's and Humvees racing over the dunes, helis, airplanes flying overhead, all headig towards a central point, a large building looking like a massive bunker protruding out of the side of a tall mesa that looks very similar to an underground nuclear launch facility *hint hit*(of course while enemy artillery and flak blasts on top of them out of nowhere, it adds to the whole mayhem). Then at 01:44 camera switches to the commander who radios in "get everyone out of there, it's a trap!!! they're already in there and they took over the red room!!!(aka launch room)"camera switches back to the battlefield and at 01:49 BOOM! a nuke falls right in the middle of it , wiping out the troops. Then, silence(coz thats what follows after 01:49)...
Age 34, Male
Grammar Nazi
Joined on 6/14/08