Awesome song, energic and uplifting, fits an RPG theme very well. Might find a place for it in one of my PC gmes I have installed.
Awesome song, energic and uplifting, fits an RPG theme very well. Might find a place for it in one of my PC gmes I have installed.
*head explodes*
Didn't quite make me think RPG. Made me think F-ZERO!!!!!!
Jesus Christ, I miss that game :(
But you, sir, have made my day. Enjoy your brand-new, sniny Hypersonic 5 of Superawesomeness
Hell yeah
Sounds kinda like 8-bit Manowar music!
powah metaaaaaaaaal :D
Nice job man! It's cool to see someone's keepin' the true, oldschool music alive and kicking! These days, people listen to rap and hiphop and pop and other earbleed-inducting crap. I'll most assuredly jump here every now and then and throw in another five in the mix. Keep the eargasms coming!
I feel sorry for the fat bastard, but the balls part cracked me up XD awesome song.
...just picture it XD
Jeez O.O this was freaky as hell, sent at least 5-6 waves of goosebumps down my back and hands. More scary is the fact that it's almost hypnotic... I clicked on the link to it then just sorta leaned forward on the desk resting my head against my palm. I didn't realize it was a loop and I got "waken up" from it by an e-mail alert... then I noticed the clock - I've been listening to this for 23 minutes. WTF man, just WTF?!
I like this loop too, it's calming but it sort of makes me feel...sad, lonely. It gives me a rather haunting feeling of emptiness inside, like there's nothing I can do anymore to save someone or something, and the only thing I can do is resign with the fact. Makes me imagine myself as the Caretaker, stranded somewhere in space, helplessly looking at the Earth getting slowly turned into a cold, dead sphere of ice and crystal by those aliens' weapon.
Man, those are some awesome weapons. I wish I had one that turned things into ice and crystals. :D
The Tower Of Spirit was my favourite of the 3 towers, had the most interesting and ... you could say arcane puzzles. The music ws the best in that one, too, but in this track the synth doesn't really fit in, and the techno part at the end is like " LOLROFLWTFBBQ?!? O_o ".
Also, can I have the Tower Of Spirit after Earth is saved? ^__^
Yeah, I should post the one that was the cut for the actual tower, instead of the extended version :p
It would be a great wake-up alarm, for a Sunday! Also, I don't know why, but it makes me think of Garfield...
Pure awesomeness. I like how it starts pretty calm, then slowly goes up. the flute and the general beat reminds me of South-american music, especially the mayan/aztec one . I can picture a walk through a dense jungle on a very battered cobble path, and as the sun rises, the jungle clears to reveal an ancient sun-shaped Mayan city.
Nice piece of art you composed there.
10/10 5/5 faved.
Perfect imagery. I love it. :D
Age 34, Male
Grammar Nazi
Joined on 6/14/08