Got myself a new house in TES4: Oblivion. It's an awesome mod called "Imperial Manor v5", it's situated NE of the Imperial City, on the elongated piece of land there. Has 2 bedrooms, a dining room, an armory with armor&weapon storage chests, an alchemy room, and best of all, it has a Weapon Enchant Shrine and a Spellmaking Shrine. Which is awesome coz now I don't need to get into the Arcane Univ. to make my own spells and stuff. Pretty much awesome stuff in it, and combined with Amajor7's "Imperial Furniture" mod, I managed to add some personal touches to the house. Even the road towards it is illuminated by lampposts! It's more awesome than pure concentrated awesomeness juice! Get the mods and have fun(if you have the game), it's a ton of fun after you mod the game a bit.
***BTW, for any of you guys who, like me, don't bother to read the ReadMe's, the key is in the well. Just to be a nice gamer and add to the story, deduct a couple o' thousands of gold from your pocket. Figure a way to do it, I personally bought a ton o' weapons then dumped them at the I.C Waterfront for "later use"...